Click on the It's Playtime! titles to access the full documents in English.
It's Playtime! Messages regarding the implementation of joint inititiaves to foster the development of children's motor skills, explains that stimulating environments which foster unstructured active play and promote motor skill mastery, lead to increased confidence in children, and have a dominoe affect on their success in the other domains. Page 12 and 13 (pictured below), summarize key points and provide tips for promoting motor skills development.
It's Playtime! Active play and unstructured play for child development is a great reflection tool for teachers and early childhood educators filled with questions to ask yourself regarding your beliefs about children's active, unstructured play, and your level of comfort with noise, lack of structure, and risk. Page 19 (pictured below), provides strategies for promoting active and unstructrued play in your day.
It's Playtime! The motor development of the child: A key pillar of global development, provides concrete information regarding the importance of movement and motor development in early childhood and its important relationship in a global development context. The document also addresses the connection of gross motor development to fine motor skills development, and how this relates to reading and writing.
It's Playtime! The outdoors as the perfect playground, is a great reflection tool to help teachers and early childhood educators make the most of the outdoor resources to support children's motor development.
You can access the Table sur le mode de vie physiquement actif (TMVPA) web site here.